Friday, June 29, 2012

Some ramblings

  I wasn't quite sure how to title this post so the one I picked seemed appropiate. I have a few things I want to talk about. Well first thing first we are going to talk about the wonderful Bella. I can't believe that on Monday I will have a 8 month old. She is growing up so fast. It still feels like we just brought her home. She is now scooting herself around. She loves to scoot backwards. That she can thank her mommy for. I also scooted and crawled backwards lol. She is becoming very moblie even though she isn't fully crawling yet. If she isn't scooting to where she wants to go she can roll herself to were she wants. One day had her sitting in the middle of her blanket and I quickly went and brushed my teeth and she layed herself down and rolled over to our tv stand and opened the door. I was so shocked. So the hubby and I are going to be buying some child proofing locks and doing that this week. I'm so proud of her. She is such an independent girl but she also loves time with her mommy and daddy. I also think she will be getting her two bottom teeth very soon. I see the top of then just under the skin. I am going to try to do a 8 month post for Bella. I have always wanted to do it and I haven't found the time. Also Bella has finally started to like my husband's brother again. She loved him when she was a tiny baby but at about 3 months old she became scared of him. If he even looked like he was going to pick her up she would cry. Then she didn't want any men around even  her daddy for awhile till I calmed her down. Her uncle never gave up though. He would try everytime he saw her to pick her up and finally last week she let him. He was so happy. Now she smiles at him, will play with him and even let him hold her. He has a special place in his heart for her. We also started stage two on baby food last week and she did amazing. This kid so far will eat anything. I have yet to find a food that she doesn't like. She doesn't care much for cereal but she still will eat it.

   Well the last couple of days have been very hot here in Wisconsin. Yesterday we made it into the 100s and the day before we were in the upper 90s. We have a/c thank goodness but it is only in our living room and with keeping the cats out of the bedrooms it can get very hot in there. So we decided as a family we would sleep in the living room for the next two days. I thought that this would be a great idea but just felt bad for my husband as he would have to sleep on the floor. Bella had other ideas though. She hated her pack and play. She would sleep for an hour or 45 minutes but that was it. By 1:30am we decided that maybe we would try letting her sleep in her crib with a fan blowing in her room. Thank goodness it worked. It wasn't too hot or too cold and she slept the rest of the night. I felt bad for my husband as he still had to wake up at 4:30 and then work in a hot factory. He took it like a champ and didn't even complain and then Bella decided that day she wouldn't nap for him either poor thing. Also last night she did great as well.

   This weekend I am off of work. We are going to my parents for the weekend. It is always fun there. My mom plans on going to summerfest and seeing Lady attenbellum. I know she will have so much fun. She plans on playing with Bella as much as she can before she leaves. My husband and I are going to cook for my dad and then have a campfire. Bella will get to join us for some of the campfire till it is her bedtime. My dad goes to sleep around the same time so that will give us some time to be alone. We plan on going back out by the campfire and roast marshmallows. I love it because my parents live in the country and you can just stare at the stars for hours. We plan on laying out a blanket and looking at some constallations. It is going to be so great because it has been awhile since we had time alone just to spend time together. Its like our own special date night. I also know that with it being hot again this weekend we will be going in the pool. Bella loves the water and so do I.

  Well that is all I have to talk about today. Till I write again have a great day.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bella update and more

   well here I am again updating. I'm proud that I am getting some time to blog. Bella has started to scoot herself backwards. She has also became a rolling champ. She will roll back and forth till she gets where she wants to get. It is the cutest thing ever. She has also started to try to pull herself up. She normally uses me or my husband to do that. One day when I had her sitting up in her crib she used the bars of her crib and almost got herself up. I'm so proud of her, but I don't think I'm ready for her to be mobile. I know she will be all over exploring all the new things. I also think our cats will be in for a rude awaking. They can run away right now but won't be able to for long lol. Bella also said mama for the first time. She says it from time to time but is still trying to get it down pat. I was so happy I picked her up and started to cry and tell how proud I was. She was so happy with all the excitement she just smiled. It is so special to hear your child call you. She loves giving hugs and now has been giving kisses more regularly.

   She loves my parents pool so my friend and her kids and I went to the beach on Wednesday. It was really hot here in Wisconsin that day but it was comfortable by the lake. At first Bella wasn't too sure about the sand but would touch it from time to time. We then went and sat down by the water. She liked the wet sand a lot better. The water was soo cold though so I didn't take her in. When the water first touched her feet she cried. I felt so bad for her but then she liked it after that. She had a lot of fun watching all the people going in and out of the water. When I took her back to the towel on the beach she decided that she hated the sand. She was a lot better once I sat down with her. We played a little bit longer and then went home to play with daddy who had came home from work.

  Today she is going to a picnic with her granny. I am going to put her in a cute little dress and her pink bow. I wish I could go but I have to work. I know it will be nice to just have granny time though. I worked on her baby book some more today and that was so fun to think back on all the things she has already accomplished. I think that is all I can write today. I also hope to write soon and figure out how to put pictures up here as well.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day and Baptism

We had our first father's day and Isabella's baptism. Chase had a wonderful first father's day. Isabella gave her daddy his first card. We traced her hand and I helped her write her name since she can't do it on her own. Also she gave him a DVD as her gift. I gave him a season of Supernatural since he really likes that show. We let him sleep in and I took getting up with her if she got up at night. Daddy was nice enough to make this delicious dessert. We grilled out for him and my mom made one of his favorites summer salad. I tried to let him really enjoy his day and relax. Thank you Chase for being the best Daddy to Isabella. I know she appreciates all the play times, bath times and snuggle time you give her. I love how she is always so excited to see you when you get home from a hard day at work. You always have time for her and are so patient with her. You are the best father in the whole wide world. I know you two will always have a special bond.
     We also had Isabella's Baptism yesterday too. We all went to church at first and enjoyed the service. I was a little nervous because Bella has never gone to church with me. She loves to talk and sing now so that made me a little nervous. We sat in back just in case we needed to leave if Bella got too upset. She just looked around and then slept most of the service. It was also so nice to be able to bring my husband to the church were I had all my special memories. It is such a blessing to be able to have Isabella baptized where I was baptized. She talked a little bit during her baptism but she was such a happy baby. She didn't cry during the water being poured on her. She wasn't too sure about father putting oils on her head though. I am so happy that she is now a child of god and I can't  wait to teach all about god and how lucky we are to have him in our lives. It was so nice to have my husband mom and sister able to come up to Chilton. We then went to a restaurant to eat. It was little hard since we had to drive a little more because of the father's day parade. She was such a little ham at the restaurant and had alot of people looking at her. She loved being able to sit in the high chair and look at all the people.
   The rest of the day was great too. She was able to go in the pool and she had so much fun. She is a total water baby. She stayed in there for a long time. She was also very blessed to have received so many nice gifts for her baptism. We are setting up an savings account for her. I believe that is all from yesterday. I apologize for it being kinda all over the place.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bella and more

Well it has been awhile since I last wrote but I am getting better cause I'm still within the same month. Last night was the first time we put Isabella in her crib. I know it should of probably been done months ago but I just couldn't let my baby girl go. I was an emotional wreck to say the least. I cried at least 3 times at work before I came home. Also cried two times on the way home. I held her a little tighter before I laid her down. I have to say she did great!!! She woke up once and that has been good for her. I also have to say I did pretty good. I only checked on her twice threw the night and only woke up maybe three times to listen to the monitor to make sure that she was ok. She did give me one scare though. I went in to check on her and she was facing the opposite way that I had laid her down. I couldn't figure out for the life of me how she managed that one lol. I think I have a restless sleeper on my hands lol. I think I totally made it out to be worse than it was going to be. We as mothers always want what is best for our children. I just wanted to protect her but I also knew she need to gain her own independence. I think it made me realize just how fast my little girl is growing up. My mom also had to put one of our dogs down this weekend. It was so hard because this dog was like everyone's dog. He was special to everyone he met. I know he is smiling down on us. If you are reading this if you could say a prayer for my parents and us we would all really appreciate it. Bella has found out also this weekend that water makes noise and she loves to splash. I think I might have a  water baby on my hands and I love it. She is now starting to sit up on her own. She is a little wobble yet but I know soon she will be a champ at it. Well my little one is up from her nap so I have to go but I hope to write again soon.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Well my husband and I have been thinking about it for awhile about looking into buying a house. We would always look around see what there was out there and get really excited but that was as far as we would go. I'm so excited to say that we are starting to finally take steps towards getting a house. We are in the process of getting pre-approved for a loan and I'm so excited. It is going to be so nice to have our own home to call home. I can't wait to have a place Bella can go outside and play in a yard no matter how big or small it might be. That is for sure one of the inconvenience of living in an apartment. Also I like the fact that if I want to vacuum when I get off work I can. Our apartment has quiet time and with me working second that is just not an option. I have two heavy sleepers which is nice when you feel like cleaning late at night lol. Bella is continuing on trying to rollover from her back to belly and is half way there. She is starting to enjoy tummy time more but still isn't a huge fan. Well that is all I have to write for today. Will write soon again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

So much has happen.

Well I have been so terrible at blogging. Since the last time I blogged I have gotten married to my best friend. We had a beautiful daughter on November 2nd,2011. She is now 5 months old and so much fun. She is the sweetest thing you will ever meet. We have fallen so in love with her. It also has made me fall even more inlove with my husband. I'm going to try to blog more often. I just have to work out a schedule that will work for me. I have to get going my little one is hungry. Hope to write again soon.