Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day and Baptism

We had our first father's day and Isabella's baptism. Chase had a wonderful first father's day. Isabella gave her daddy his first card. We traced her hand and I helped her write her name since she can't do it on her own. Also she gave him a DVD as her gift. I gave him a season of Supernatural since he really likes that show. We let him sleep in and I took getting up with her if she got up at night. Daddy was nice enough to make this delicious dessert. We grilled out for him and my mom made one of his favorites summer salad. I tried to let him really enjoy his day and relax. Thank you Chase for being the best Daddy to Isabella. I know she appreciates all the play times, bath times and snuggle time you give her. I love how she is always so excited to see you when you get home from a hard day at work. You always have time for her and are so patient with her. You are the best father in the whole wide world. I know you two will always have a special bond.
     We also had Isabella's Baptism yesterday too. We all went to church at first and enjoyed the service. I was a little nervous because Bella has never gone to church with me. She loves to talk and sing now so that made me a little nervous. We sat in back just in case we needed to leave if Bella got too upset. She just looked around and then slept most of the service. It was also so nice to be able to bring my husband to the church were I had all my special memories. It is such a blessing to be able to have Isabella baptized where I was baptized. She talked a little bit during her baptism but she was such a happy baby. She didn't cry during the water being poured on her. She wasn't too sure about father putting oils on her head though. I am so happy that she is now a child of god and I can't  wait to teach all about god and how lucky we are to have him in our lives. It was so nice to have my husband mom and sister able to come up to Chilton. We then went to a restaurant to eat. It was little hard since we had to drive a little more because of the father's day parade. She was such a little ham at the restaurant and had alot of people looking at her. She loved being able to sit in the high chair and look at all the people.
   The rest of the day was great too. She was able to go in the pool and she had so much fun. She is a total water baby. She stayed in there for a long time. She was also very blessed to have received so many nice gifts for her baptism. We are setting up an savings account for her. I believe that is all from yesterday. I apologize for it being kinda all over the place.

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